Who am I?
Who am I?
A simple yet profound question that immediately brought me into deep thought. Who am I?
It should be quite easy to answer honestly.
I am an 18 year old young lady (2022) that is aspiring to do whatever the Lord wills
(which I believe includes blogging!).
I am a daughter, a sister, and a friend.
I love children, I love volunteering. I work at Chick-fil-A.
I could say a billion other things but that doesn't quite sum it up well enough.
Who am I?
It has brought me to tears the more I think on it.
Lord? Who am I?
I am yours.
No, more, I was purchased. Purchased at the biggest price.
Jesus, you gave your life so I can live.
Once dead in sin, I am alive in you.
You are my God and Father.
My walk with God has given me light.
Life gets dark sometimes but he is on my side.
Join me as I traverse these plains of life. The highs, and also the lows.
Be blessed,
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