Peeking at the future can be very daunting. Questions may swirl your mind as you ponder the what ifs and every possibility. Will you be able to withstand hardship? Are you mature enough to navigate life’s circumstances? Will you be able to sustain a living. Will you?
The burden is heavy.
The weight seems to pile as more and more questions surmount to an impossible mountain of possibilities.
Gainsaying increases, anxiety rises, and you almost stop for breath as you try to fight off the doubts that furiously attack your mind.
Peace be still.
Will you trust that Jesus is able to carry you?
“I am with you.”, I hear the savior say.
He that made the world with His Word will help you overcome in this life.
Life’s battles will come, but trust the master of the storms and raging seas.
You have not been forsaken. The captain of your boat still stands at your side. He may not quiet the thunder, but He will quiet your thundering heart.
The gushing waves seem like they’re about to overwhelm you but you must see. No, even more, by faith you must look to Him.
El roi. The God who sees. He SEES you. Praise be to his holy name, for He is good!
Let the promises flood your mind as you reflect on the faithfulness of God in your life thus far.
He died for you while you were still a sinner, he covered you in your mothers womb. Every hair on your head is numbered and he delights in you. He blesses those that suffer for His sake and longs to see you mature in your faith.
Be a testimony to the world that our God is a living God and that He is with us in our trials!
May what you face refine you, and make you come out the other end more like Jesus.
“For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.”
Romans 8:18
Hello thyhiddenword. Thank you for your youtube channel. I have my application in to attend Moody and have a few questions. Are you willing to help me with my question? I have email your gmail. Please let mw know if we can communicate. Thank you and Happy New Year! Shawna