

I’ve recently been in a space of really soaking in and treasuring the friendships around me. 

When I first became a believer, it was a challenging time and I didn’t have much fellowship apart from my family (2020). I had become complacent with being alone, but God in His wisdom knew I needed Godly community. I started intentionally praying to God to help me be surrounded with believers. It is important to have a companion to walk on this often weary road with, and in His mercy He has provided an abundant supply of believers in my life, for which I am eternally grateful to him for.

Some lasted for a season. Some were mentors. Some are here for the long run. It is beautiful to be in the body of Christ: we love sacrificially, bear each others burdens [gal. 6:2], and encourage each other on this blessed walk with Jesus.

In the Bible it says: “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” 

Joining small groups, hosting and attending bible studies, getting involved in various ministries, and being a part of a church home have all aided in me developing close relationships. It also helps me fulfill many exhortations in scripture that would otherwise be impossible if you are not involved in other believers’ lives on a consistent basis.

(If you are in a space where you are needing to be surrounded with other believers, prayerfully bring your request to the the Lord! He will do all things according to His will, which includes you being a part of His Church. Praying for you 🤍)

I’ve learned to love my friends with the love God gives me, and to treat them with the value that God has for them. I am honored to serve Christ’s body and it is my continual prayer to be a better friend to those around me. In the times of rejoicing and times of deep sorrow, be there as much as possible. Take time to converse and pray for each other. Disagreements and challenges are bound to happen, but how we respond to such issues will deepen our bonds and help us understand the forgiveness and love Christ offers us.

I’m extra grateful that I can be free around my friends! Though wisdom is very much needed to navigate interactions, the ability to be at liberty to speak and let your God-given characteristics to shine is a blessing. We are able to healthily correct each other which is essential in friendship, making us more Christ-like.

I know that things change. I may not always live near my friends now. People will go off for school, work, spouses, and missions. I will enjoy this season and commit them into the Lord’s able hands 🙌🏾. It is He that gave them to me and I pray I will not take these precious moments for granted!

When you believe in Jesus you are a part of a family, and I am beyond blessed to be a part of a close circle of believers! I’ll leave off on this note: “A true friend is not someone we have chosen for ourselves, but rather someone God has placed in our lives for a purpose.”

Jesus, our greatest friend, loved us first. He is a gift to us. So in this time I will treasure the gift of His sweet fellowship and the fellowship of His Body!

Love y’all 🤍🌟 


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