Singleness I’m excited to make this blogpost about singleness because it’s fun to research, read, and watch. But honestly it’s just truly encouraging!!! I’m in a space where I’m not quite at the average age of marriage but it is still something I desire. When I first became a believer I thought that God wanted me to stay single forever. I saw that other missionaries that were often single and I thought I could do God’s work better that way. Though it is true that singleness has its perks, that is not the only way you can serve God. Paul was single and was able to do much for the body of Christ, but Peter was married and he did much for God’s glory as well. Christians find themselves in both positions and both sides should seek to glorify the Lord in that space. Wisdom. As each year passes, I’m not only maturing physically, but also mentally and spiritually! I realize how much I need to learn and what I need to let go of. God is constantly transforming me into the lik...
Peeking at the future can be very daunting. Questions may swirl your mind as you ponder the what ifs and every possibility. Will you be able to withstand hardship? Are you mature enough to navigate life’s circumstances? Will you be able to sustain a living. Will you? The burden is heavy. The weight seems to pile as more and more questions surmount to an impossible mountain of possibilities. Gainsaying increases, anxiety rises, and you almost stop for breath as you try to fight off the doubts that furiously attack your mind. Peace. Peace be still. Will you trust that Jesus is able to carry you? “I am with you.”, I hear the savior say. He that made the world with His Word will help you overcome in this life. Life’s battles will come, but trust the master of the storms and raging seas. You have not been forsaken. The captain of your boat still stands at your side. He may not quiet the thunder, but He will quiet your thundering heart. The gushing waves seem ...
I’ve recently been in a space of really soaking in and treasuring the friendships around me. When I first became a believer, it was a challenging time and I didn’t have much fellowship apart from my family (2020). I had become complacent with being alone, but God in His wisdom knew I needed Godly community. I started intentionally praying to God to help me be surrounded with believers. It is important to have a companion to walk on this often weary road with, and i n His mercy He has provided an abundant supply of believers in my life, for which I am eternally grateful to him for. Some lasted for a season. Some were mentors. Some are here for the long run. It is beautiful to be in the body of Christ: we love sacrificially, bear each others burdens [gal. 6:2], and encourage each other on this blessed walk with Jesus. In the Bible it says: “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” Joining small groups, hosting and at...
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