
Showing posts from December, 2022


  I’ve recently been in a space of really soaking in and treasuring the friendships around me.  When I first became a believer, it was a challenging time and I didn’t have much fellowship apart from my family (2020). I had become complacent with being alone, but God in His wisdom knew I needed Godly community.  I started intentionally praying to God to help me be surrounded with believers. It is important to have a companion to walk on this often weary road with, and i n His mercy He has provided an abundant supply of believers in my life, for which I am eternally grateful to him for. Some lasted for a season. Some were mentors. Some are here for the long run. It is beautiful to be in the body of Christ: we love sacrificially, bear each others burdens [gal. 6:2], and encourage each other on this blessed walk with Jesus. In the Bible it says: “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.”  Joining small groups, hosting and at...

Who am I?

Who am I? A simple yet profound question that immediately brought me into deep thought. Who am I? It should be quite easy to answer honestly.  I am an 18 year old young lady (2022) that is aspiring to do whatever the Lord wills  (which I believe includes blogging!). I am a daughter, a sister, and a friend.  I love children, I love volunteering. I work at Chick-fil-A.  I could say a billion other things but that doesn't quite sum it up well enough. Who am I? It has brought me to tears the more I think on it.  Lord? Who am I? I am yours. No, more, I was purchased. Purchased at the biggest price.  Jesus, you gave your life so I can live.  Once dead in sin, I am alive in you. You are my God and Father. My walk with God has given me light. Life gets dark sometimes but he is on my side. Join me as I traverse these plains of life. The highs, and also the lows. Be blessed, thywordhidden. ♡

social media

SOCIAL MEDIA ... interested in seeing more of my content on various platforms?  Check out my youtube channel, instagram page, and pinterest  for more encouragement, conviction, and inspiration. *scroll down* --------------------------   *+:。.。  。.。:+* == social medias == ❀ follow along! ❀ youtube ☞ thywordhidden 🔗➵  click for youtube instagram ☞ thywordhidden 🔗  ➵  click for instagram pinterest ☞ thywordhidden 🔗➵  click for pinterest ---------------------------------------------------- ♡